Science Happens 4 Me would like to thank the North Carolina Biotechnology Center for making a Biotechnology Event Sponsorship (BES) award to support the event titled SMART STEM Workshops.
The SMART STEM Workshop STEM Program is a Saturday 6-week long workshop for low-income middle school girls. Students involved in the SMART STEM Workshop will design Marshmallow Catapults, build The Great Egg Drop, build a 2-Liter Water Bottle rocket, and experiment with Strawberry DNA, extraction Buccal Cheek Cells, and perform Plant DNA Gel Electrophoresis.
Saturday Sessions:
The SMART STEM Workshop STEM Program is a Saturday 6-week long workshop for low-income middle school girls. Students involved in the SMART STEM Workshop will design Marshmallow Catapults, build The Great Egg Drop, build a 2-Liter Water Bottle rocket, and experiment with Strawberry DNA, extraction Buccal Cheek Cells, and perform Plant DNA Gel Electrophoresis.
Saturday Sessions:
- Sat. Oct. 10, 2020 (2:30-5:30 PM)
- Sat. Oct. 17, 2020 (2:30-5:30 PM)
- Sat. Oct. 24, 2020 (2:30-5:30 PM)
- Sat. Nov. 7, 2020 (2:30-5:30 PM)
- Sat. Nov. 14, 2020 (2:30-5:30 PM)
- Sat. Dec. 5, 2020 (2:30-5:30 PM)
SMART STEM - Candy Model DNA & Strawberry DNA Extraction
During a DNA extraction, a detergent will cause the cell to pop open, or lyse, so that the DNA is released into solution. Then alcohol added to the solution causes the DNA to precipitate out.
Students performing a variety of Biotechnology experiments: (1) Building a DNA Candy Model, (2) Extraction of Strawberry DNA, (3) Microscopic Analysis of Cheek Cells.
SMART STEM - DNA Gel Electrophoresis
DNA Gel Electrophoresis is the process that refers to electrical charges being applied to DNA molecules. Under the influence of an electric field, DNA molecules migrate away from the negative electrode and move toward then positive electrode.
Agarose gel electrophoresis is an easy way to separate DNA fragments by their sizes and visualize them. It is a common diagnostic procedure used in molecular biological labs
SMART STEM - Kitchen Chemistry
Students performed chemical experiments involving e nature of physical properties, density, and pH testing of common household substances.
Fun in Forensics - Saturday Camp (Sept. 19 & Sept. 26, 2020).

Fun with Forensics presented students with concepts related to ink fingerprinting, ink chromatography, along with making finger cast.
- Students identified their individual fingerprints using fingerprint charts.
- Students used microscopes to practice identifying hair fibers using horse hair and dog hair.